
greenUP!, a Nevada based 501(c)(3) environmental nonprofit is partnering with Western Nevada College (WNC) to launch a statewide green business program and to create a database for collecting outcomes that measure environmental performance for the state.

greenUP! is recruiting Nevada businesses to be part of the pilot. We seek businesses and manufacturers of all types including but not limited to electronics and chemical manufacturers, food production companies, breweries, distilleries and restaurants to name a few sectors.

WNC is part of a statewide effort for workforce development around manufacturing jobs, and it is a leading college for providing training in advanced manufacturing. With state-of-the art machinery and technical faculty, WNC is well-qualified to lead the state to transition into safer and more sustainable manufacturing processes. WNC will leverage its qualified staff to train interns to assist manufacturers and businesses desiring to green their operations.

For more information about greenUP!, visit https://greenupnow.biz

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